
Declaration Logo for Non-Veg Food Products Will be Changed Soon

Declaration logo is a printed symbol that a company or organisation uses for the convenience of buyers as well as sellers so that there can be distinction of products from animal origin or plant origin. It is easy for buyers to look at the mark and know about the food product whether it is veg or non veg rather than reading all the ingredients.

Recently FSSAI has changed the declaration logo for non veg food usually put on the package. Brown dot symbol has been changed to triangle symbol enclosed in square box of brown color with brown outline. Package label must contain this sign so that animal or non animal origin ingredients can be identified and buyers can easily differentiate between veg and non veg products. The reason behind changing the logo from circle to triangle is made after taking into consideration the problems faced by the people with color blindness. Although it will be changed once the new regulations will be implemented.

About Author /

Khyati Gupta is a B.Tech student at CSKHPKV Agriculture University, Palampur located in Himachal Pradesh. She has immense knowledge about her field and technology involved in food processing and how food is processed and how it comes into our plates. As a student she is trying her best to provide content related to food facts, technology and updates regarding this industry so that every food lover is aware about its processing, nutrition value, market demand and news related to food. You can write to her at

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