
The Storm

Thunder. Splatter of rain on the tin roof of the pavilion. Gusts of wind, carrying droplets, smacked his face.

His mother had warned him, “It looks like a storm is on the horizon, better stay put.”

And yet here he was.

Dusk had long passed; he would have to go back soon. He knew what awaited him. His father drinking, yelling; his mother, sobbing quietly, hard at work – it was all too familiar, too repetitive.

He stood up and passed his fingers through his wet hair. It has been a while since he had made up his mind. He put his hand inside his pocket, and felt the cool metal blade. It looked like a storm was on the horizon, and he was not going to stay put.

About Author /

Anshuk Attri has a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona. His first novel, Quarter Life Crisis, was published in 2017. He is currently working in a startup that aims to solve stray cattle problem in Himachal Pradesh. Presently, he is working on a novel he hopes to complete by 2021. You can reach him via his website, or write to him at:

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