Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan
The book is a novel that revolves around the themes of love, money, secrets, and murder The story takes...
The book is a novel that revolves around the themes of love, money, secrets, and murder The story takes...
Danish Siddiqui receives top glory posthumously in a virtual award ceremony organized by Mumbai Press. Siddiqui is presented with...
In the last three decades, English literature from foreign lands has taken a hold of Indian markets where readers...
Genre- sports/ drama Run time: 2 hours 32 minutes Directed by: Kabir Khan 83 is one of the most...
Arundhati Roy is one of the most prominent writers of our age. Roy’s name is often found in news...
Self-help books have formed an important part of our lives. The genre is not new, but has been there...
Charcoal has remained a favourite medium of artists across the world. The dark lines with dark textures on paper...
In the world where Tv screens and phones have almost taken a hold of life, where even education has...
Since the last decade, the world has seen a shift in mass culture where fiction is again finding its...
bell hooks has recently left this world on Dec 15, 2021 following renal failure at the age of 69....